BIGtoken Review, FAQs And Guide: Legit Or Not?

We will give an honest bigtoken review and complete guide (with pictures). Don’t waste your time and check the article to know our verdict if its legit or not.

Yet another money making app for our beer, let’s introduce BIGtoken. This application is becoming very popular nowadays. And that’s because of its ease of use and promising clean looking UI to share data and earn some cash.

Wait, share data? What do you mean? I can earn money here?

Before I answer that question, I will give an introduction first about What and Who BIGtoken is?

What is BIGtoken?

BIGtoken is a data marketplace where people can earn money from data they share. It is also the first consumer-managed data marketplace with a transparent platform. You and only you own it and manage what you share and earn from that. And that is something very promising nowadays in which privacy is utmost important.

BIG is very transparent about your data, they provide choices for people what they could share and earn compensation for that. YOU OWN IT. The blockchain platform also provides media companies and advertisers access to those transparent data from verified consumers to reach out and serve audiences better.

Who owns BIGtoken?

SRAX (Nasdaq: SRAX) is the one who built BIGtoken.

SRAX is a digital marketing and consumer data management company that has been serving the digital advertising and consumer data industries since 2010. Additionally, you can see on this page their corporate timeline and more information about them.

So can you earn money here? The answer to that is, yes you can earn cash using the platform by answering surveys and sharing your data. However, if you want to learn more about the platform and SRAX check this official about page of BIGtoken.

Interesting, but… I have trust issues, is that legit?

On this post we will tackle every aspects of using BIGtoken and the issues and beauty alongside it. To answer your question for now, long story short, that is something you have to decide for yourself as the platform is still fresh and the BIGtoken idea is founded on October 2017. But I can say though that the platform is very promising and have some negative and positive feedback’s from the community.

No worries, I will help you decide with this review and also help you use BIGtoken with a very complete guide of app setup and installation to app usage.

The Very Complete BIGtoken Guide

Listed down here is the most complete BIGtoken Guide from user setup and installation to app usage.

Total Time: 28 minutes

  1. Install BIGtoken application from the playstore

    To start things of, if you’re using an android phone just go to the playstore and search “BIGtoken” then install. However, if you’re using your browser go to the official BIGtoken AppStore (Android or iOS) to install BIGtoken.

    BIGtoken app installation

  2. Open the BIGtoken app

    After opening the BIGtoken app, you just need to swipe these images to right for you to start creating your BIGtoken profile.

    App introduction:
    ✔ Own, verify and sell your data.
    ✔ Choose what data to sell and what data to keep private
    ✔ Get rewarded for each transaction.

    Own, verify and sell your data on BIGtoken

  3. Fill up the registration form (my referral code here if you have none to add)

    Enter your email address and your desired password (it is advisable to create an alphanumeric with special characters for maximum security), select your country and enter your mobile number. If you want to enter someone’s referral code, enter it on the referral code field.

    A6CU7GJ – here is my referral code if you have none to add there.

    Bigtoken Registration Form

  4. BIGtoken welcome page will appear

    After filling up the registration form the BIGtoken welcome page will appear telling you to read their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Afterwards, press on continue for the next step.

    BIGtoken welcome page

  5. Read BIGtoken Terms of Service

    Read the BIGtoken Terms of Service carefully, if you have any concerns you can contact BIGtoken on the email they have provided ( ). As you read the Terms and have reached the bottom page, accept button will now become clickable. Press accept for the next step.

    BIGtoken Terms of Service

  6. Read the BIGtoken privacy policy

    To know how BIGtoken handles your privacy, like the Terms of Service, you must read BIGtoken privacy policy carefully. They have provided a different email contact here for any privacy policy and privacy practices related concerns ( ). After reading the policy you can now press accept to finish your BIGtoken account registration.

    BIGtoken Privacy Policy

  7. You have created your BIGtoken account, turn on monetization?

    After accepting their terms of service and privacy policy, you now have the option to monetize your data by opting in to their monetization program. You can opt in now or do it later in your BIGtoken settings. View the image below to see what turning this setting on means. Press continue or the latter option for the next step.

    Turn On BIGtoken Data Monetization

  8. Verify your email

    After continuing on the monetization option, you will need to verify your email address in order to use BIGtoken. If you checked your email and you haven’t found any email from them. Most likely, it was in your spam folder so check that too. You can also resend confirmation email or change your email address by cancelling.

    Verify BIGtoken Email and Confirmation Email

  9. Verify your phone number

    After verifying your email, the next step would be is to verify your phone number. After rechecking your phone number if correct, you only need to press the send code button and you will receive a verification code on your phone that you will enter on the next page.

    Verify BIGtoken Phone Number and Enter Code

  10. Congratulations if you made it this far, you can now use BIGtoken.

    Before continuing, have you encountered any problem? Comment down below or message me on my socials above so I can help. You will be able to see this if all is done well.

    BIGToken successful

  11. The BIGtoken wizard

    After doing steps 1-10, the BIGtoken wizard will be your new friend. It will guide us on how we can earn money using the app.BIGtoken wiazrd

  12. BIGtoken introduction

    The wizard explains here what BIGtoken is, their mission and how does it work.

    BIGtoken Mission and How It Works

  13. BIGtoken tutorial guide

    The application will have a step by step guide highlighting each app functionality.

    BIGtoken tutorial guide

  14. Supply answers about yourself

    You will then answer some questions about yourself to fully setup the BIGtoken app. Your answers will help BIGtoken to give you more personalized surveys. You have already earn BIGtoken here after finishing the survey.

    BIGtoken Personal Data Survey Answers

  15. Wrap things up by finishing BIGtoken’s getting to know you

    To finish setting up BIGtoken for personalized surveys, you also need to answer this getting to know you questions. You’ll earn BIGtokens here after finishing this survey.

    Getting To Know You

  16. BIGtoken dashboard

    Lastly, the things you did on step 14 and 15 are the samples of what you will be doing here in BIGtoken to earn cash. In addition to, you will answer surveys, checkin location, invite friends (referral) and connect social platforms to earn more.

    BIGtoken Dashboard

Additional actions will appear on the dashboard as time passes by. You may now close the app for now and check back later.

Questions about the BIGtoken guide (before we tackle review)?

Do you have any questions about the guide? If yes, comment down below or message me on my socials above.

About SRAX
About SRAX

Moving on let us now review BIGtoken. Is it legit or not?

The long wait is over, I presume this is the one you’re really looking forward to right? Well, here goes.

BIGtoken is new and is still struggling paying their users. That is a fact. According to a google play store review and BIGtoken team’s response about them, BIGtoken is not yet selling consumer data so there is a 25% limit on your redeemable earnings. Here, let me show you the app user review.

BIGtoken Google Playstore Review
BIGtoken Google Playstore Review

They emphasized that your 75% earnings is still in your account but not yet redeemable. There’s also some issues about redeeming your earnings.

BIGtoken Google Playstore Review - Ph
BIGtoken Google Playstore Review – Ph

It seems that BIGtoken is really doing their best solving these issues. For instance, they are very responsive answering user comments and are committed on BIGtoken’s potential.

BIGtoken Google Playstore Review - Can't redeem
BIGtoken Google Playstore Review – Can’t redeem

At least, they are not like some company doing auto reply on reviews. They are ready to tackle issues and this somehow proves the legitimacy of this company. Moreover, the app is constantly being updated by fixing bugs, improving UI and solving user issues.

BIGtoken review verdict

BIGtoken is a legitimate app and paying (you can find lots of payment proofs online if you searched on it, soon I will add mine here). The only issue, currently they are paying only 25% of your earnings per month because they haven’t monetized your data yet. In addition to, you must have at least 6000 points (~21 USD) to redeem. And also, take note that you can only redeem cash after 30 days of joining (for some user data first traction I guess).

Redeem Cash on BIGtoken - Review Verdict
Redeem Cash on BIGtoken

If you believe that BIGtoken has the potential to get big someday and earn some traction to advertisers who wanted to buy user data. Do install BIGtoken and earn compensation from data you have the control to share otherwise you can wait and hope BIGtoken update their redeeming options (I will update this BIGtoken review and guide if that happens so check back).

Interested in earning cryptocurrency?

Do you want to earn more? If that is the case, I have compiled the very best of the best crypto faucets lists. Here are the best legit cryptocurrency faucets you can really trust that pays. But always be careful online and avoid scams, okay? Have a good day mate! I will now hit the bed, drink some beer, and call it a day. Yeah! That rhymes, I think.

So what are your thoughts? Did you enjoyed reading the “BIGtoken Review and Complete Guide”? If so, a comment down below will encourage me to do better post better than this. Also, if you would be kind, please share this post to your friends.

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Cheers! :゚。( * ´ ◡ ` )

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