7 Essential Tips For Effectively Managing Remote Employees

While most employees enjoy working remotely, that is not the case with their managers. Well, if you are one, these tips for effectively managing remote employees might help you.

Managers are finding the work arrangement difficult to deal with. No matter what they do, they can’t seem to gain control over the current work situation.

Since remote work is the future, managers simply have to adjust and lead the charge.

Here are 7 Effective Tips in Managing Remote Employees

Have a look at seven carefully selected tricks to help you effectively manage your remote employees.

Tip 1: Believe in Your Staff

Believe in your staff
Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

Remote work isn’t necessarily a new trend. It has been around for a few years now. However, the work concept still carries some stigma.

Employers are reluctant to allow their employees to work remotely because they don’t think they’ll get the work done on time. They can’t monitor their performance and employees might not be as productive as in the actual workplace.

If you want to effectively manage your remote employees, you have to embrace them as such and give them the benefit of the doubt. All you can do is give clear and concise instructions, set deadlines, check-in on their progress through internal communication apps, and believe in them.

This way, you and your employees build a trusting and respecting relationship.

Tip 2: Cultivate Supportive Community

Cultivate Supportive Community
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Since your employees work remotely, they may not be so well connected. It is your responsibility as their manager to encourage casual interaction and build a supportive community.

Your employees should bond whenever they’ve got the chance. Before, after, or in between video conferences, during virtual breaks, and team activities.

As they get to know each other, they grow as a team and achieve great business results.

You, on the other hand, as a part of the management, should organize daily check-ins. Check-ins serve to express genuine interest in your employees and their well-being. This must be a part of your work when managing remote employees.

When you know your employees and their abilities, it is easier for you to help them grow professionally and achieve goals.

Tip 3: Focus on Business Goals

business goals
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

As a manager, you have to always look at the big picture. It doesn’t matter whether your employees work from home or the office.

Expectations stay the same.

You and your employees should only focus on achieving business goals.

For that to happen, you have to set your expectations straight. When you and the staff are on the same page, notable achievements are guaranteed.

That is why you have to track and analyze the results instead of the activity itself. If there aren’t any results, then something isn’t right.

Since you followed all steps closely, you’ll immediately know what went wrong. This way, you can fix the mistakes, learn, and not let the same mistakes happen twice.

Tip 4: Encourage Engagement

Encourage Engagement
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Not working in an office can make your employees feel out of place. They might start losing their sense of belonging to the organization.

To make them feel like a part of the team, you should encourage them to engage more in the virtual workplace.

Connect them through communicative technology and motivate them to use it actively.

Make sure you organize regular daily, weekly, or monthly face-to-face meetings.

More importantly, don’t forget to include them in events and activities taking place around the virtual office, such as happy hours, games, quizzes.

Taking part in any activities in the company brings employees closer and makes them feel valued. This helps in managing remote employees a bit more fun for you as well.

Tip 5: Provide Resources

Provide Resources
Photo by Dan Dimmock on Unsplash

If you want your team to get the work done on time, you should provide them with adequate resources.

It would be wrong of you to assume they all have high tech laptops, tablets, smartphones, fast and stable Internet connection at their disposal.

As their manager, it’s your responsibility to give them all the tools they need to do their work right. This way, you leave no room for bugs, technical glitches, and missed deadlines.

Additionally, you don’t have to be afraid of losing face in front of clients and customers.

With state-of-the-art technology, not only do you implement remote work policies but also secure smooth day-to-day operations on the organizational level.

Tip 6: Show Flexibility 

Show Flexibility
Photo by Dillon Shook on Unsplash

Shifting from working in an office to working from home can be challenging for most employees.

While meeting deadlines is important, so is showing some flexibility to your staff.

They probably have a lot going on and are still trying to figure out the whole remote work thing.

It would mean a lot to them if you could show understanding and allow them to work according to their own schedule. What you get in return are happy and satisfied employees with healthy work-life balance.

When your employees feel this way, their productivity and engagement improve which is good for the organization.

Tip 7: Recognize Efforts

Recognize Efforts Even When Managing Remote Employees
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Because there are fewer interactions among employees and the management, now more than ever you should recognize their efforts.

Use monitoring or task management tools to track your employees’ progress and growth. Collect and analyze data to find hard-working employees and reward them.

Meet with them and try to understand what’s the secret to their success, whether it’s an individual or team effort. Praise and value their contribution and motivate them to work even harder.

Recognizing efforts not only stimulates the employee being praised but also every other member of your staff.

This way you build and cultivate a positive company culture where hard work is highly valued.

Final Word

There are already a lot of problems and stress going on around the world. Don’t add managing remote employees as one. With the above tips, it doesn’t have to be that stressful managing those guys. Just be yourself, help your employee, and most of all love and enjoy what you do.

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